Salesforce Certified Pros Templates for Twitter

I have recently discovered these fancy headers with all the certifications people have all over Twitter. I thought for a while that those were some kind of limited swag that sent to the chosen individuals by Salesforce (like the MVP folks).

And then I came across a template that was created by Salesforce and publically available – so I went on and created my own fancy header. If you want the same – read ahead!

Hero Timeline Photo Template - Twitter Header Salesfroce Certified Pro Templates -

Using the source file –ย ย Certified Pros Social Templatesย  – that you can use to create your social header.

Don’t know about you but it definitely made me motivated to fill in the x22 template. So I’m off to Trailhead on my hunt for the knowledge needed to bring the 13 missing certifications ๐Ÿ™‚



Since first time I published this article Salesforce has released an even cooler tool to make your templates –

Using this URL you can have even more options for the background and sizing + it’s all online! Enjoy!

(special note to Christian who shared the tip in comments below!)

4 Replies to “Salesforce Certified Pros Templates for Twitter”

  1. Hi,
    did you know that there is a online tool for that too?

    1. Ekaterina Geta says: Reply

      Hello Christian,

      I didn’t ! Thanks for the tip!

      I have updated the article, to include the link ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. The salesforce4all site is a community member contribution, not from Salesforce.

    1. Hello Bob,

      Thanks for your comment, I wasn’t aware that it was a community work ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s good to discover that.

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