This Currency related formula functions very much expected by many users having clients across borders. When it finally came out in Spring 18′ Release I was very optimistic about its functionality – expecting it would return a server value similar to NOW() function. Sadly, it didn’t. What it does is just returns the Exchange rate […]
Salesforce Formula Functions
Spring 18′ Release: Time field update
You might have already noticed a new field type in your Org, if not let me introduce you to the Time field released as a private beta in Winter 18′ and as an open Beta in Spring 18′. If you have been curious and gave the private beta a try in your Sandbox or Dev Org […]
Spring 18′ Release: 9 new functions that got forgotten in the release notes
SHORT STORY OF A QUEST FOR A MISSING FORMULA DOCUMENTATION One of the things I find really impressive about Salesforce is Documentation. I was always taken aback by the quality and the level of detail that the teams put into it. And up till the last week, I was convinced that if something is not […]
How to add months to a date with Salesforce formula with ADDMONTHS function – (Spring 18′ Release)?
Adding months to a given date is a very common use case. But accomplishing this with a formula field of a field update formula used to be a tricky task. In the latest Spring 18′ release (only available in Sandbox preview for now) of a new function called ADDMONTHS it has become 10 times easier. Below […]