“Coming early is not as good as coming just at the right moment. ” Unknown
#MORNINFG (8 : 00)
_START DOING: 0 entries (the geeks for “no inspiration)
_KEEP ON DOING: 0 entries (the geeks for “no inspiration)
_STOP DOING: 0 entries (the geeks for “no inspiration)
#EVENING (01:57)
It feels like the end… Ever since Tuesday, the overall atmosphere did shift and it really does feel different. The rhythm did change quite a lot, it’s slower and panicky agitated at the same time. Very weird and hard to put in words. On the one hand, you can feel that the overall progress speed did slow down, the submits are less numerous hence it’s harder to get the correction points (which is the main reason for the panic and agitation). As next to the smaller half of those who did slow down there is another half of those who did rather speed up these last couple of days and set on to validate as much as they can before this Friday. The only problem is with the speeding up before the finish line is that it’s hardly possible when there is no fuel left in the tank. And in this case the “fuel” I’m talking about are the correction points. And it turns out that over the last week there has been a market deficit haha: the correctors supply largely surpassed the correctors demand… So one of the new members of the clusters these last days is her Majesty “Panic Mode” with the “I need correction points” message in big and red on every forehead!
For my part, I did happen to have some in the bank I as I did adapt the turtle lifestyle these last days the few I have will surely cover the corrections I am to pass.
I was still struggling with the Makefiles and Do_Op, that turned out to be my next 42’s classic fails list. After the first submit and yet another 0 (the error in the ex00 yeah!) and mistakes in 05 and 06 I did the retry and was sure as hell to get it right this time. By the 22 when I’ve finished with the second correction, I’ve got it all right but the ex06. When I looked at the log it was same error as the first time, that I have just fixed. Well, I did fix the error indeed but not the right one haha. And it’s thanks to my corrector that I have realised that I did name the file wrong and instead of “do-op” it was “do_op” and Moulinette who is “not very open-minded” did sure graded it KO (meaning zero).
This said I still validated the D10, but I didn’t start the D11 and I doubt I will be able to submit it as tomorrow I was counting to do the revisions.
Chained lists. I was convinced I would have started and even finished this day by today but it wasn’t the case… I did watch the video but it was about it… I will definitely try to get my act together tomorrow and hopefully do the minimum to validate the D11.
Restuls are not much impressive but they keep on incrementing, which is the most important. So for the bottom line:
DAY08 – 100% – 1xPASSED
EXAM02 – 22% – (Level 3) – FAILED
EXAM01 – 22% – (Level 2) – FAILED
D09 – 10% – 1xFAILED
D07 – 60% – 3xPASSED
D06 – 100% – 2xPASSED
D05 – 64% – 3xPASSED
D04 – 85% – 1xPASSED
RUSH00 – 120%
D03 – 72% – 1xPASSED
D02 – 80% – 3xPASSED
D01 – 65% – 1xPASSED
D00 – 75% – 4xPASSED
I guess every Piscine member have heard or / and saw one or several TV reportages about 42 and knows that Xavier Niel (the founder of the 42 and one of the biggest mobile networks Free) do happen to pass by the school and look after the new citizens of this little and unique land. And for our promotion today it was the day D or day X rather.
It did start with the morning visit of the full stack camera crew that turned out to be from Canal+. I did bump into them with my own camera on my way to a couple of last videos I counted to make. As it often the case at 42 it was another reportage about the school and I suppose an interview with the Staff and the founders. So at about 12 p.m. when we went to eat we did pass by Xavier Niel on the way to the Food Truck. But he has briefly changed the location (I assume left the school) and so that was it. Or was it?
In the evening at around 23 30 I’ve when we were lasurely chilling out over yet another “coffee break” at the cantina I have heard from the 42ers that Xavier was back to the school and was walking around the clusters right about now. As Jack was very upset not to have documented (aka selfiated) the morning encounter with the one and only Mr.Niel, I figured it could be a great opportunity. So not with much preparation, I grabbed Jack and we went to see where could he be. Once we got to the e3 entrance the question got answered.
As a real blogger, who get’s its reflexes right, the first thing I did was to set the iphone camera on to immortilize the event. One relfex I didn’t yet master though is being descreet… So rather than being a background cameraman, I turned out to be a spotlight interviwee. So 10 seconds later the camera did pass in Jack’s hands and I found myself summerizing the last 5 years of my life answering Xavier’s questions. But as soon as I could I did turn the tables back and asnwered some returning questions about the Piscine. And so I could get back to my camera man role and the discussion moved to some other Swimmers.
So the late night stays has its own benefits, and it was yet another reminder that life is full of surprises and occasions, you just need to get up from your chair and climb couple of stairs in the right direction.
_CHALLENGES: 0 entries (the geeks’ for “no inspiration”)
_SPECIAL COMMENTS: 0 entries (system maintenance, check again later/the geeks for “no inspiration”)