“You are only as good as your last 2 years of accomplishments. Learn, adapt, and learn some more”
And here we are, the last day before the start.
And with the welcome email I have just received from the 42, it does feel very real now. I still feel a bit ambivalent about it, but it’s slowly skewing to the positive.
As I used to do back in my college years, today I did spend the whole day chilling, reading, talking with friends and relaxing as much as possible. I have also finished a couple of books that were on my “finish before the 1/08” list. So now my brain is “unfinished projects” free and ready to be properly… ammm submerged with the programming basics.
The main objective I set for myself is to try to keep up with my usual daily routines and schedule as long as possible. And those include:
- Wake up at 6.30 a.m.
- Morning sport session till around 7.30 a.m.
- Healthy breakfast on my lovely balcony to be finished by 8.00 a.m.
- School 8.30 – 9.00 a.m. to 8 p.m (we will see how realistic will it be)
- Writing time 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
- Yoga session 9.30 to 10 p.m
- Food preparation for the next day
- And hopefully 8 hours of healthy recovering sleep from 22.30 to 6.30
(Jeez, looks like an army schedule! and these are my upcoming vacations. I certainly am crazy. But well, I think this will worth it.)
As for what to expect for the future posts, I will try to keep up with the everyday writing. I plan to make it short but informative. The idea is to have 3-5 highlights of each day and add some notes / tips / learning of what to do better or different the day after. But I guess we will see how it all turns out, starting tomorrow.
There will surely be no details regarding the exercises or technical stuff. First, there is still one more session after, and the spoilers are never much appreciated whatever is the topic. And, second, the posts are risking to get too long and too boring if I do that.
And on this note, I will go prepare my backpack for tomorrow (got one especially for the occasion, as I really do feel like going to a boot camp haha). The list of the must-haves to fit in:
- my cosmanaut food, of course (as what’s available inside and around does not fit the criteria to get on my menu)
- big box of a green tea (to keep me egerdrized and awake)
- headphones (and the list of my favourite music, those were noted under the essentials category by most of the prior Swimmers)
- blind fold (in case I will need to recharge my batteries in the middle of the day)
- yoga mat (my back will surely say thank you for that)
- Rubik’s cube
- Box of smiles
- Big old chest of patience
- And a solid portion of good mood
Let’s get it started !!!
And as always a final though:
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar