“Procrastinate now, don’t put it off.” ― Ellen DeGeneres
#MORNINFG (8:30)
_START DOING: 0 entries (the geeks for “no inspiration)
_KEEP ON DOING: 0 entries (the geeks for “no inspiration) [improovement]
_STOP DOING: 0 entries (the geeks for “no inspiration)
#EVENING (22:53)
Today is one of those days when her Majesty Procrastination was riding the fastest horse in the race. And by the end of the day, I have nothing to show for it except for the 2,5 exercises….
And the worst part is I didn’t even waste the time on our usual non-stop jokes and long coffee breaks but stayed in front of the computer being gloriously inefficient. Partly because of the new subject that I didn’t really get a hold of, and partly due to the overall motivation drop. Looking around I reassure myself by the fact that it’s a general tendency, maybe it’s just an accumulated code saturation or the intensity of the experience that finally catches up with me.
Whatever the answer is, the plan is to try and find my mood and excitement back tomorrow.
MALLOC… Or the Memory Allocation. As such the topic should be very interesting, but as it usually the case with me, I struggle with any new subject for a couple of days before I can get on good terms with it. And so far I struggled 2,5 exercises through and don’t like it that much for now. This said, it is slowly growing on me, so I’m hopeful for tomorrow to be a productive day.
Didn’t really move anywhere far since yesterday, but for the statistic purposes.
EXAM01 – 22% – FAILED
D09 – 10% – 1xFAILED
D07 – IN PORGRESS (2/9)
D06 – 100% – 2xPASSED
D05 – 64% – 3xPASSED
D04 – 85% – 1xPASSED
RUSH00 – 120%
D03 – 72% – 1xPASSED
D02 – 80% – 3xPASSED
D01 – 65% – 1xPASSED
D00 – 75% – 4xPASSED
1.SUPERHUMANS. As the days pass by I keep being taken aback by my own capacities that I wasn’t aware of. With the relatively short day today (10h is a short day at 42) I had some time to have a look at my posts and realized that the average working day for the past 2 weeks did measure in between 12 and 13 hours. And as much as it goes against all the rules and knowledge I did recently accumulate about the body mechanisms and proper rest/work balance, I still feel good! Sometimes tired, but good tired. The sated and relaxed version of tired and not the burned out and exhausted as I was expecting before the “diving” started. And so one of the biggest takeaways of the time that has spent at the Piscine so far is that our limits are really broader than what we imagine. And it worth exploring them.
2.NO GAME. The less positive and less personal discovery of today is that promo of August Piscine 2016 has no game… As I’m planning on filming a short video to animate and illustrate all the text overloaded chronicles I do put here, I decided to coordinate my plans with the creative brain of 42 – @Charly. For those who live in a cave, this is the person who you need to thank for all the fun stuff that is happening next to the git commit – git submit. My favorites are the “take shower – clean your tables – don’t cheat unless you know how” emails that are as hilarious as they are informative. All the evening games and scavenger hunt contests… To make it short, all the fun stuff around here!
And the discovery I mentioned, is directly linked to this brief job description above. As it turns out, our Piscine promo has no game whatsoever! Guys, we are f…ng boring! Apparently, the previous years had a crazy fun ambiance and managed to be fun all by themselves and amused the staff on the way. And as it appears, in 2016 tables turned and not in the right direction: staff has to double the amusement part to have some fun on their own and move the crowd a little!
There is still time to fix this! So get you crazy creative juices flowing and let’s pump it up a little !!
_CHALLENGES: 0 entries (the geeks’ for “no inspiration”)
_SPECIAL COMMENTS: 0 entries (system maintenance, check again later/the geeks for “no inspiration”)